mozilla mascot divider by david titus


hey, i'm arman, and if you're here, then well, you found my dimension! stay a while, and be sure not to stick your finger in any event horizons! :P
String [] pronouns = {"he/him", "it/its"};
you can also find me on spacehey.
i'm a FLOSS, linux and retro tech enthusiast, my favorite color is purple (as you might see) and i like space and acting like i'm not from this plane of existence.
i'm doing a bachelor's in computer science right now, and considering professorship as a career path.
i'm a fervent black-flag-waving anarchist. in general, i also believe in people's rights to be weird, freaky, offputting, or downright annoying. :)
i speak english, farsi, mandarin, and spanish with decent proficiency. i'm also studying esperanto, american sign and hebrew, and i've studied dozens of other languages from a bunch of different continents, european, asian, north american, and australian. i've even made a few attempts at constructing my own!
also if the name and speaking farsi wasnt an indication, yeah i'm iranian.