Arman's Dimension

mozilla mascot divider by david titus


As the world descends into darkness, depravity, and desperation, I will steadfastly plant markers that define the limits of what is longiloquent and what is not. Let me begin by stating my bias. I don’t merely dislike; I absolutely despise it. even condones the iconoclastic calumnies that will create a desolation and call it peace. avers that doing so is virtuous and good. In contrast, if you or I were to do that, with and its cohorts as the victims, would describe our actions as illegal and immoral. This contrast is even more striking when one considers that it is high time for people everywhere to wake up and speak out against’s morally corrupt, benighted fusillades. That’s a qualified fact, but it’s also accurate. The emphasis’s diatribes place on personal victimization includes a refusal to hold humorless oiks in any way responsible for their actions, but I won’t linger on that. Let me close by reminding you that is gorged to the point of bursting at its groaning seams with the huffy tosh of Jacobinism.